Aliran klasik dalam teori organisasi mengatakan bahwa organisasi adalah suatu aturan dan batasan yang di buat berdasarkan struktur, peran dan fungsi, hieraskis, pembagian tugas, dan kerjasama sekelompok manusia dengan tujuan tertentu. dalam teori ini pula menyatakan bahwa interaksi yang terjadi dalam organisasi klasik hanya terdapat pada orang-orang di didalam organisasi tersebut yang di buat secara sengaja karena mereka memang dipaksa untuk saling berinterakasi. hal ini tentu akan memperkecil konflik yang ada dan garis komunikasinya pun tidak terlalu besar. dari satu sisi dapat diakui memang hal itu membuat kinerja organisasi lebih efektif dan efisien hanya saja paradigma para pekerja hanya sebatas memperhatikan apa yang terjadi di dalam organisasi saja tidak terjadi proses asesement dari luar organisasi karena para pekerja akan bertahan dengan apa yang terjadi di dalam organisasi mereka.
Intraksi dalam organisasi ini disebut juga sistem tertutup karena proses interkasi yang ada hanya dengan apa yang mereka lihat di dalam organisasi tersebut. tetapi memang dampaknya kesatuan ini menjadi kokoh tidak dapat digoyahkan. konflik internal dapat dengan cepat diatasi dengan konsep instruksi dari atasan langsung dengan mempertimbangkan baik buruknya keputusan yang dibuat. sistem tertutup biasanya digunakan untuk organisasi kecil atau keluarga. dalam organisasi ini seorang pimpinan harus bersifat otoritas karena apabila pintu kemunikasi 2 arah dibuka akan banyak sekalin tuntutan yang diajukan karyawan. oleh karena keterbatasan mereka dengan dunia luar untuk itulah target yang dihasilkan lebih efektif dan efisien dari produk sendiri para karyawan akan lebih fokus terhadap pekerjaanya tanpa perlu memikirkan permasalahan interkasi dengan karyawan lain.
Sebaliknya teori organisasi yang berbeda adalah sistem terbuka dalam hal ini proses belajar dari organisasi maupun perilaku organisasi lebih besar untuk itulah pimpinan yang berwawasan tinggi dan peka terhadap apa yang terjadi pada para karyawannya lebih terkoordinir. percaya atau tidak sistem terbuka lebih banyak mengeluarkan dana lebih banyak dalam anggaran belanja karyawan walaupun hasil yang dicapai dalam organisasi terbuka lebih besar karena tujuan organisasi ini memang lebih besar. hampir sebagian besar aktifitas karyawan hanya dihabiskan inti berinterkasi dengan karywan lainnya di luar dari pembahasan pekerjaan. hal ini terbukti dengan banyaknya sub bagian yang berinterkasi bahkan di nilai akan menghambat keefsiensian dari kinerja organisasi. konflik yan tercipta lebih besar dan penyelesainnya pun terkadang tidak terselesaikan karena memang kondisi konflik yang ada tidak terdeteksi oleh pimpinan sehingga terkadang dampaknya terdapat padi kinerja organisasi atau produk yang dihasilkan.
Berinteraksi dalam organisasi sangat diperlukan tetapi sebgai karyawan ataupun pimpinan harus ingat dalam tataran organisasi apa kita berada sehingga dalam proses kinerja organisasi dapat menciptakan suasana kondusif dalam berorganisasi.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Real Freedom
As we know that Indonesian Independence day is held in August 17th every year. That time memorize as of efforts the founding fathers to plan our freedom legally. And know after 58 years we still have celebrate that by do ceremony or activities for uniting our relationship. Believed or no most people said that our country is has not free from colonial invasion. We can see that by calculate how much resource is hand by people outside our country. It means that we only do as a worker or just a player not a planner. So horrible isn’t! So, if I asked to my self did our country was already free from colonial? The answer is not. Why because most generation never tastes the real Indonesian culture, almost follow the western style. It might be good but it might be bad. So, it is our duty this generation to change the mind set by giving a basic foundation to our children how to filter the western knowledge.
Usually people think freedom for they self never thinking what are happens
near them. I know that is basic manner of human always feel what is good for them self. But is good if we as intellectuals help each other to build this nation more good by developing the nationality character. The new generations must able to read what are happen in globalization with nationality. It means if their mind are set up to get ready for the global competition and their hearts is still Indonesian. I Believed if this character is stick in our heart Indonesia will able to be a good nations.
Nationality in every sector is has too! Because our grandson have to taste the natural resources. To let they blame us because we never share with them.
For you who reads my article! Are you agree that Indonesia ha do a nationality in every sector so that we can get the real freedom.
Usually people think freedom for they self never thinking what are happens
near them. I know that is basic manner of human always feel what is good for them self. But is good if we as intellectuals help each other to build this nation more good by developing the nationality character. The new generations must able to read what are happen in globalization with nationality. It means if their mind are set up to get ready for the global competition and their hearts is still Indonesian. I Believed if this character is stick in our heart Indonesia will able to be a good nations.
Nationality in every sector is has too! Because our grandson have to taste the natural resources. To let they blame us because we never share with them.
For you who reads my article! Are you agree that Indonesia ha do a nationality in every sector so that we can get the real freedom.
Learn From Children!
As we know child is person who need to get information from the adults’ person that near with their live. So, they can’t grow well because of that is important for them to learn how to be a real human. Basic knowledge that they get from family environment. if the learning process in family good so that will make the children had ability to spell and ask about something. Their curiosity is build from their mind to get information about out world. basic knowledge of learning is how the parents explaining about anything that has to inform for the children. After they can learn well from the parents and they had good confidence to play with their social environment. In this phase at 1 until 5 years children will learn a lot of habitual activity from their parents start from how does the parents speak, give opinion and daily activities. This process is known as manipulation so is not wrong if there a quote that child will learn full from their parents. So, beware for you parent who had baby at these periods.
Second phase at 5 until 12 years children more have a lot of curiosity. They will start to see their environment and they will ask more about what they not get from their home. Usually they ask about function about their part of body, why they have to school.
We adults some times forget this phase the curiosity phase and did not want to learn again if we already know about something. So, we have back to the curiosity phase because we can’t learn much knowledge if we still had this character (Curiosity).
That is my first statement that I made in English language hopefully for you who read this cant give me score about this.
Second phase at 5 until 12 years children more have a lot of curiosity. They will start to see their environment and they will ask more about what they not get from their home. Usually they ask about function about their part of body, why they have to school.
We adults some times forget this phase the curiosity phase and did not want to learn again if we already know about something. So, we have back to the curiosity phase because we can’t learn much knowledge if we still had this character (Curiosity).
That is my first statement that I made in English language hopefully for you who read this cant give me score about this.
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