Monday, February 16, 2009


As we know the benefits of sport besides improving physical fitness it’s also make us learn the value inside. It’s has been determined by Indonesian government through the curriculum they made. The contains is explained that learning in physical education and sport will make students maintain their physical fitness and understand what values inside the activities. By this articles I would give information about what kind of values that can we get from sport. Because this recent days a lot of researches try to investigating the benefits of sport to physiological development and human behaviors. There is tree kind of sports that can help us to build a positive character. Such as ; Sport Games (Individual and Team Games), Martial Arts and Individual Race.
Firstly, I would explained about Sport games values. The team games for example ; Football, Soccer, Tennis, Badminton, etc. through this sports activities students will learn how to manage, making decision, entertaining, organize, patient, team work, strategy, plan a work and work a plan, discipline, solve problem and it’s can also improving students ability in social interactions.
Secondly, Martial arts activities. There are a lot of models in this sport such as ; karate, boxing, judo, pencak silat, etc. from this sports the benefits values are courage, self awareness, discipline, respect, brotherhood, ambition, submission, think fast and action right, even individual skill and strategy in facing life. By this sports will have a good self defense mechanism in their brain and heart. The positive character from this sports we can had ability in self smart.
Last sport activities is individual sport such as; Track and field, swimming, gymnastic, racing and others that measurable. In this kind of sport we will find how to maintain our mental health, competition, programs, etc. but, the biggest benefits is make us learn how to keep our physic and mental sustainable.
Based on the explanation above that sports can give us learn how to improving our life skills and behaviors beside strengthening our physical fitness. There are tree kinds of sports such as; Games Activity, Martial Arts and Measurable Sport. We can learn the values inside these sport by our self or our environment. Believe or not sport can improving our ability in facing life beside healthiness. So, choose your own sport that you like from now because it’s can help you to build a positive character.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Naik Turunnya Hati

Sebagai manusia yang memiliki kelebihan dalam hal kecerdasan berpikir dan merasa sudah pasti akan mengalami naik turunnya motivasi dalam menjalani kehidupan. hal ini terjadi biasanya karena faktor-faktor eksternal yang mempengaruhi faktor internal dalam diri.faktor eksternal sekecil apapun dapat mempengaruhi hampir setiap aktifitas internal yang ada dalam diri. penulis pribadi sering meangalami hal ini tentu karena penulis berada dalam dunia pendidikan yang setiap hari berinteraksi dengan banyak perilaku sehingga sentimen yang ada[un semakin besar. maka dari itu hingga saat ini penulis masih merasakan naik turunya hati dan motivasi, maklumlah penilus juga manusia. tetapi penulis menemukan beberapa merode yang efektif untuk memotivasi diri agar turunnya hati dapat di dongkarak diantaranya adalah :
1. Sering Senyum dan salam, walaupun agak aneh tetapi kalau orang yang kitas senyumi membalas senyum sudah tentu hati kita akan serasa melayang karena kita dianggap ada. tapi berikan senyum sebatas pada orang yang dikenal saja, kalau sembarang senyum nanti disangka ga serius lagi.
2. Perbanyak silahturahmi dan interaksi. maksudnya sering-sering dech perbanyak urusan dengan orang lain yang bersifat positif dan kearah perbaikan diri. sering diskusi mulai dari yang panas sampai yang kecil-kecil itu perlu walaupun hanya untuk menambah ketajaman kita dalam berpikir. masalah interaksi lakukan sebatas terhadap hal-hal yang diperlukan dalam kaitannya dengan pekerjaan.
3. Sering-sering dech Baca, baca artikel, koran, buku, browsing internet.